Version control
Commit changes

Commit changes

Unlike saving in other systems you may be used to, a commit does more than just capture the current state of your files. It also includes a reference to the commit that came immediately before it, enabling you to track your project's history.

Create a commit

Whenever you create or modify an asset, the changes are automatically added to a staging area in your browser's data store. Using the Git UI or terminal options in Y42, you can select staged changes and commit them into your space's Git repository.

Commit changes using the Git interface

Writing meaningful commit messages

It's important to write clear, concise commit messages to document the changes you've made. They're not only for you but for others who might work on the codebase now or in the future.

A good commit message should describe the nature and purpose of the change. Try to keep the commit message concise but be sure to include enough context for a reader to understand why the change is needed and what it does.

Good commit messages matter because they help others understand, learn, and contribute to your data pipeline codebase. Avoid vague messages like "fix bug", instead, you might say "fix off-by-one error in array iteration".

Examples of commit messages

Less desirable ❌Preferred ✅
Fixed bugfix data type mismatch in amt_sales column
Updated scriptupdate customer_age field to handle negative values
New featureadd data quality monitoring for revenue metric
Code readabilityrefactor inventory.sql script for code readability
Updated docsupdate README with setup instructions

When to commit

It's generally best to make commits in logical units. That is, each commit should be a self-contained change that fixes a specific bug or adds a specific feature. Avoid mixing different kinds of changes in a single commit, and try to commit frequently rather than waiting until you've made a large number of changes. Remember that the purpose of a commit is to document your changes, so commit whenever it makes sense to create a record of what you've done.


Are files automatically staged in Y42?

Yes, files are automatically staged in Y42. You don't need to manually stage the files via the git add . command.

What is the difference between 'git commit' and 'git push'?

git commit saves your changes to the local repository. git push, on the other hand, uploads those changes to a remote repository. You can think of git commit as saving a document on your computer, and git push as uploading it to the cloud.

How often should I commit?

It's best to commit often, with each commit representing a single unit of work. This could be adding a new feature, fixing a bug, or even just changing a few lines of text. The key is that each commit should be a coherent whole that could be understood by others (or yourself in the future).