Asset health status

Asset health status indicator

Health status indicator displayed at the asset level in the Lineage mode.

Health status indicator displayed at the asset level in the Lineage mode.


When evaluating the health status of an asset, it's essential to consider various indicators. These indicators give you a well-rounded view of the current state of your asset. They include:

  • Last build status: This reflects the outcome of the most recent build attempt. It could indicate an error state with statuses like Cancelled, Test Failed, or Materialization Failed.
  • Last successful build status: : This tells you about the state of the last successful build. It can be labeled as Stale or Never Materialized in case warnings are to be noted.
  • Asset's label: It notes the current status of the asset, pointing out if there are issues or if it has been Deprecated.
  • Code integrity status: It indicates the condition of the asset within the code editor, flagging errors like Syntax Error or Invalid reference (in the model definition), or warnings such as Uncommitted Changes or SQLFluff Formatting Warning.
Asset statusLast build statusLast successful build statusAsset labelCode integrity status
Error ❌Cancelled, Test Failed, or Materialization Failed-IssueInvalid Reference or Syntax Error
Warning ⚠️Test WarningStale or Never MaterializedDeprecatedUncommitted Changes or SQLFluff Formatting Warning
Stable ✅ReadyReadyVerified, Draft or No statusNo errors

Understanding the health status indicator

To effectively interpret the asset's health status, it's critical to navigate through the conditions from right to left and from bottom to top, in terms of severity. Let's look at some examples:

Right to left:

  • If the "Last Successful Build Status" indicates Stale, but the "Last Build Status" shows Materialized Failed, the latter takes precedence due to its higher priority, thus flagging the asset as being in Error ❌ health status.

Bottom to top severity:

  • If a Stale status coincides with Uncommitted Changes, it translates to a Warning ⚠️ health status, with the alert message pointing to the Stale condition (the error message is deduced based on the right-to-left rule as the two conditions are on the same severity).
  • However, if the Stale status is accompanied by an Invalid Reference issue, this will supersede the stale warning, prompting a more severe health status ❌.

Thus, this evaluation process, moving from right to left and ascending in severity from bottom to top, helps in accurately pinpointing the critical issues that need urgent attention.

Asset stale status

The Stale status is triggered when the asset configurations are changed, impacting downstream assets linked to it. The stale status serves as a notification that these linked models may now contain outdated information due to recent changes.

Data asset's dependencies and health status viewed in Lineage mode.

Data asset's dependencies and health status viewed in Lineage mode.

In this example, changes to the logic of the stg_products asset mark it as stale. This occurs because the code is no longer in sync with the data warehouse materialization, affecting not only the asset itself but also the downstream mrt_purchases asset.

You can use the following command to build all stale assets in a space:


y42 build --stale